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Breen Church Lab Members

Current Lab Members

  • Kellie Breen Church

    Kellie Breen Church

    Associate Professor

    My curiosity in understanding mechanisms controlling reproductive neuroendocrine function began with extensive experience in the sheep model, in which the power of hypothalamic-pituitary portal sampling can be exploited. Applying the fundamentals of hypothesis-driven science, my current research program employs state-of-the-art chemogenic, genetic, and neuroanatomical manipulations using mouse models to understand of how stress-activated neural circuits elicit disrupted reproduction and fertility.

  • Rodrigo Carrasco, PhD.

    Rodrigo Carrasco, PhD.

    Postdoctoral Fellow
    UC San Diego

    PhD in Veterinary Biomedical Sciences
    University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada

    Master’s Degree in Veterinary Biomedical Sciences
    University of Saskatchewan
    Saskatoon, SK, Canada

    Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
    Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile

  • Michael Kreisman

    Michael Kreisman

    Research Associate
    M.S. UC San Diego

    I am a  Senior Research Technician and Laboratory Manager of the Breen Church laboratory since 2014. I pursued my  Master’s Degree in Biology with Dr. Breen investigating the prenatal-programming effects of androgens on pituitary gene regulation. My current  independent research interests involve the regulation of stress-levels of corticosterone on reproductive neuroendocrine activity. I developed the diestrus-like estradiol replacement pellet for gonadectomized female mice that has allowed us to investigate the role of estradiol in modulating the response to stress or glucocorticoids.

  • Jessica Jang

    Jessica Jang

    Undergraduate Researcher
    UC San Diego

    Doris Howell Scholarship for Undergraduate Research (2021)
    Triton Research and Experiential Learning Scholars Award (Spring 2022)
    Triton Research and Experiential Learning Scholars Award (Summer 2022)

  • Jacklyn Jung

    Jacklyn Jung

    Undergraduate Researcher
    UC San Diego

    Doris Howell Scholarship for Undergraduate Research (2022)

  • Helen Bell

    Helen Bell

    Undergraduate Researcher
    UC San Diego

    2023 Endocrine Society REGMS Fellowship
    BS/MS Biology (2023-2024)

  • Samira Feili

    Samira Feili

    Undergraduate Researcher
    UC San Diego

    Doris Howell Scholarship for Undergraduate Research (2023)

Former Lab Members

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    Katie Mostoller

    Medical Student Researcher
    UC San Diego

    Summer 2022

    MSTP Rotation (Summer 2022)

  • Richard McCosh

    Richard McCosh

    Postdoctoral Fellow
    Ph.D. West Virginia University
    B.S/M.S. Montana State University

    F32 Award (2018-2020)
    Travel Award: Pan American Neuroendocrine Society(2019)
    Endocrine Society Outstanding Abstract Award (2020)
    Robert Honda Young Investigator Award (2022)
    K99/R00 Award (10/01/2021-08/31/2006)
    Tenure Tract Position at Colorado State University (December 2022)   

    My long-term goal is to conduct high-quality independent research investigating the neural pathways that alter gonadotropin secretion and therefore regulate fertility. My training experiences position me to effectively and efficiently use a combination of powerful sheep and mouse models to address some major outstanding questions regarding the control of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), the apex central regulator of reproduction, such as: (1) what are the cellular and molecular components of the GnRH pulse generator and GnRH surge-induction system?; (2) what stimuli (e.g. stress) alter gonadotropin secretion?; (3) how are these stimuli sensed and conveyed to the GnRH pulse generator or GnRH surge induction system?; and (4) how do gonadal steroids influence sensitivity to these stimuli?

  • Kirollos Tadrousse

    Kirollos Tadrousse

    Undergraduate Researcher (2018-2022)
    UC San Diego

    Senior Honors Thesis June 2022 (expected) 
    University of Toledo MedStart Program Recipient (2022-2026)
    Doris Howell Scholarship for Undergraduate Research (2020)
    Ledell Family Scholarship for Undergraduate Research (2019)

  • Katherine Tian

    Katherine Tian

    Undergraduate Researcher (2015-2020)
    UC San Diego

    Eureka! Scholarship (2017) 
    UC San Diego Chancellor's Research Excellence Scholarship Award (2018)
    Endocrine Society Fellowship (2019)
    Saint Louis University School of Medicine (2020-2024)

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    Katherine Makowski

    Animal Care Program Medical Researcher (2018-2019)
    UC San Diego

    Presentation PanAmerican Neuroendocrinology Meeting, New Orleans, LO. (2019)

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    Ali Raad

    Undergraduate Researcher (2017-2019)
    UC San Diego

    Eureka! Scholarship (2019) 

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    Christopher Song

    Undergraduate Researcher (2014-2017)
    UC San Diego

    Eureka! Scholarship (2015) 
    UC San Diego Frontiers of Innovation Scholars Program Award (2016)
    Senior Honors Thesis (2017)
    The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine (2018-2022)

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    Sharon Chaing

    Research Associate (2014-2016)
    M.S. UC San Diego

    Morsani School of Medicine (2016-2020)

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    Kathleen Yip

    HHMI Research Fellow from Cleveland Clinic (2013-2014)
    UC San Diego

    Honors Thesis (2014)
    Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine (2011-2015)

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    Elena Luo

    Research Associate (2013-2014)
    UC San Diego

    Loma Linda School of Medicine (2014-2018)

